Guiding Principles

We have underlying themes which guide our life. Most of this is unconscious, but we can bring awareness to those principles and try to live by them.

My faith and core values such as living peacefully and being connected to nature have influenced many decisions in my life. My Occupational Therapy training certainly shaped who I am with problem solving and task analysis and purposeful activities as underlying themes.

The most profound influence on my life are the basic principles of Zero Balancing. Other major influences also include the Five Element Model and some of the principles from Soul Lightening Acupressure.

I’ve integrated many of these principles into the following list.

Principles that guide my life include:

  • Body, Mind and Spirit are interconnected and must be addressed with each person.

  • Posture and balance are the building blocks to improved function.

  • Treat the whole person, not just an injury or illness. This includes the family and caregivers.

  • We need to get to the root of the problem to impact recovery and healing.

  • Stress management is an important key to healing and wholeness.

  • Empowering clients through education and resources so they can take small steps to impact their own health and well-being is more important than the actual services I provide

  • Always work at Interface, touching both energy and structure simultaneously with a clear connect and disconnect.

  • We are not healing people. The body’s innate wisdom does the healing. We are simply the compassionate witness to the process.

  • Hold others in high regard, set clear boundaries and release all that no longer serves you.

  • Center and ground between heaven and earth through a morning meditation, setting intentions for the day.

  • Always assess, balance and integrate.

  • Position, Pause, Action

  • Everything is vibration. The clearer, stronger field creates coherence.

  • Less is more. Keep it simple.

  • Be Love. This Love is from the Divine Source of Life and resides within me.

  • Self Care is Self Love. Put on our own oxygen mask first.

  • We need to have purpose and meaning in life.

  • Small step your way to progress. Break it down into manageable steps.

What are the key principles in your life and who or what shaped those principles?

Deanna W


Change is in the Air


Zero Balancing Research